Founding partners of The IT Company (ITC) are Jørgen Hovland and Bjørn Knudsen, and it owned by the founders and the tech investment company IP Group. ITC is a Managed Service Provider (MSP) company coming out of in early 2021.
Jørgen Hovland is a system developer with more than 23 years of system development and an additional 5 years within network infrastructure. His software is widely used by ISP-operators and their customers, which covers most of the Internet users in Norway.
Technocrat with 24 years of Industrial Entrepreneurship and Innovator experience. Marrying technical background with executive leadership to transit from idea, design, development, and startup into a forward-leaning and set organisation.
The founders both have automation and system development close to heart and by combining that with value-driven solutions, our vision is to make the world a bit more automated each day.